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Reflexive Performance Reset

Updated: Jan 19, 2023

Every now and again you come across something that really blows your mind.

The Reflexive Performance Reset (RPR) is a system of self-administered breathing and neurological drills.

What RPR is: A system of breathing and neurological drills that empower you to make instant improvements in performance.

Why RPR works: It allows you to reset harmful compensation patterns that cause pain and limit performance.

Compensation patterns are the main cause of non contact injuries in sport as well as every day aches and pains that limit performance.

Using RPR, you can shift your own body out of these patterns and reduce pain, restore range of motion and help your body become more resilient to injury.

The nervous system controls how our bodies work and perform. Think of it as the electricity plant that provides power to the bones, tendons and muscles.

When the power is out the system will not be working optimal.

Remember the old Christmas tree lights where one damaged bulb stopped the rest from working. Same concept applies here.

We are primed to move and in order to do so we need stabilisation, flexion and extension of the hip. The primary muscles to allow this are:

  • Hip Flexion: Psoas, iliacus, tensor fascia latae, rectus femoris, anterior adductors (especially pectineus), sartorius

  • Hip Extension: Gluteus maximus, biceps femoris (long head), semitendinosus, semimembranosus, posterior head of adductor magnus

Since the body is primed to move other muscles will be recruited to take over stabilisation, flexion and extension.

If the drivers of flexion (psoas) and extension (glutes) are not responsive and strong, other muscles will be recruited.

“Your Glutes are not working/Firing”

Probably the most used statement in the gym, fitness forums and treatment tables. A common compensation pattern in responsive glutes is tight calf muscles.

If other muscles are recruited then they themselves are hampered from doing their roles.

This leads to compensation as muscles other are recruited. When we train and move with these compensation patterns they take hold and become stronger.

For repetitive sports like cycling and running these patterns will become engrained. Over time they will become default primary movers. Muscles should perform the roles they are designed to not compensate.

Injury comes from some of these patterns, for example

  • You cannot optimally use your arm and shoulder, if your shoulders and neck are trying to drive inwards and down to stabilise your hips.

  • You cannot walk/run optimally if your calfs are so tight because they are performing the role of the glutes. .

Getting muscles to fire and work correctly we can train the way we want to train without compensation.

This is one of the biggest benefits of RPR.

If we activate breathing, the psoas and glutes in your warm up then everything else will flow from this.

The RPR system is built on a 1-2-3 pattern of movement.

  1. Zone 1: Psoas / Glutes

  2. Zone 2: Upper leg / Trunk

  3. Zone 3: Lower leg / Upper body

If for whatever reason the order is changed, then there is a loss of performance, and potential for injury.

For optimal performance we want to explode outwards “1-2-3” not implode inwards.

If we implode compensatory patterns will take hold and can lead to injury over time.

RPR focuses on restoring and enhancing the nervous system control of the primary muscles.

It clears compensatory tension and patterns by “waking up” the neural pathways to the muscles.

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